Empowering Change at the Intersection of Finance and Technology

 Registration is closed for this event

Empowering Change at the 

Intersection of Finance and Technology

Monday, April 8, 2024
Geffen 620

12:30 p.m. Lunch Available
12:45 p.m. Fireside Chat
Register Here


As part of Leadership and Ethics Week 2024, the Student Leadership and Ethics Board of The Bernstein Center for Leadership and Ethics will host a fireside chat with Nonso Ogbonna, Executive Vice President and Head of Digital Strategy at Insight Partners; and Former Managing Director and Head of Engineering Partnerships at Goldman Sachs. Nonso will share insights around his career across finance and technology and the foundations of building and practicing ethical leadership within business. This discussion will be moderated by Lei Kouame ’25.

Attending this workshop will provide credit towards the Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL), focusing on the DEI essential skills of understanding identity and perspective taking and creating an inclusive environment.

This event is sponsored by The Paul M. Montrone Seminar Series on Ethics in partnership with Africa Business Club, Black Business Students AssociationNational Society of Black Engineers, and Social Enterprise Club.

About Nonso Ogbonna

Nonso Ogbonna joined Insight Partners in 2022 as Head of Digital Strategy. At Insight, his mandate is to structure and empower diverse engineering teams to deliver innovative solutions that continuously enrich the digital experience of both employees and customers (portfolio companies and limited partners), enabling employees to solve complex problems effectively and the firm’s business to scale efficiently.

Prior to joining Insight, Nonso spent more than 15 years in financial services designing enterprise-wide digital solutions, driving digital transformation, and managing engineering teams. He was previously a managing director and chief solutions architect for digital strategy in Goldman Sachs’ Engineering Division, where he was responsible for delivering solutions and integrated infrastructure for governance mechanisms required to support the firm’s digital strategy. Prior to that, he was an executive director in JP Morgan’s Global Technology Division.

Nonso earned a BS in Electrical Engineering from Howard University in 2007 and an MBA with concentrations in Finance and Management of Technology and Operations from the Stern School of Business at NYU in 2011.

April 8th, 2024 12:45 PM through  1:45 PM
645 W 130th St
Geffen Hall
New York, NY 10027
United States