Leadership in Sensitive Times: A Guide for Corporate Sociopolitical Activism

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Leadership in Sensitive Times:

A Guide for Corporate Sociopolitical Activism


Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Geffen 620

12:45 p.m. Lunch Served
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. Workshop
Register Here

As part of Leadership and Ethics Week 2024, this interactive workshop will offer a unique understanding of how business leaders can effectively assess and engage in sociopolitical activism during periods of unrest. Based upon the groundbreaking research of our facilitator, Management PhD candidate Genevieve Gregorich, the workshop will walk you through her framework for navigating the complexities of balancing personal and business principles, while understanding the perspectives of key stakeholders.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand when and why business leaders engage in sociopolitical issues
  • Assess the potential consequences of engaging in sociopolitical issues as a business leader
  • Draw on a framework for leading through difficult and polarized environments

The Leadership Development Series is sponsored by The Reuben Mark Initiative for Organizational Character and Leadership in partnership with OSA and CMC.

About Genevieve Gregorich

Genevieve Gregorich is a PhD candidate in Management at Columbia Business School. Her research examines the role of business in society, the interaction between social movements and organizations, and organizational reputation management. She has authored cases on personal strategy and innovation with a focus on the psychological conditions that generate innovative ideas and the political processes that push ideas through corporate and bureaucratic labyrinths. She was also featured as a speaker at TEDxColumbia, where she shared her talk: Life is A Game of Bullshit. This is How You Win.

April 10th, 2024 1:00 PM through  2:00 PM
645 W 130th St
Geffen Hall
New York, NY 10027
United States